Resource Help
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 00:23:23 -0700
I never use dselect any more. Typical usage of apt:
apt-get update # Update the local package index
apt-cache search game # Search the local package index for
# the word "game"
apt-cache show freeciv # Display details about the "freeciv" package
apt-get install freeciv # Download and install the "freeciv" package
# and any packages upon which "freeciv" depends
apt-get dist-upgrade # Download and upgrade every currently installed
# package to the latest version
apt-get remove freeciv # Uninstall the "freeciv" package
I do some things with "dpkg":
dpkg --list # List all installed packages
dpkg --listfiles freeciv # List all of the files that belong to the
# "freeciv" package
dpkg --search /bin/ls # Display the package that owns /bin/ls
dpkg --install foo.deb # Install a .deb that you stumbled across
Once you're comfortable with "potato", you can live on
the edge. Back up your system, alter /etc/apt/sources.list
to use "woody" instead of "potato" and simply do
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
and your system will now have the latest that woody
has to offer. I've been running woody (and doing
update/dist-upgrade about once a week) for some time
now, and haven't had any problems.
* On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 11:12:21PM -0700, john w wrote:
> I installed Debian 2.2 potato the other day and aside from the
> seemingly endless number of includeed packages have not any problems. I
> would like to ask about any information related to using apt and dselect
> as the man pages are not quite explicit enough. I am not a programmer by
> no means so some of the tags just seem greek to me. I also have talked
> to a few people and read some reviews and seems the most commonnly
> suggested Linux guides are Running Linux and Linux in a Nutshell
> (O'reilley) followeed by Linux Problem Solver by Brian ward. I would
> appreciate any input on the subjects. I am really trying not to abuse
> the priviledge of posting here as I really don't have a lot to offer in
> the way of problem solving just trying to get away from windows...Fast!!
> Thanks again,
> John
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