user tracking
Bill Warner
26 Sep 2000 01:41:11 +0700
This information is located in the /etc/shadow file. it is refrenced
in the standard unix time thing (seconds sense jan 1 1970) check
man shadow for more details
Bill Warner
> Hey guys.
> At login I get a printout of when the last login occured. Where
> is that info stored? I want to check out a user on the system but
> don't want to log in as them. One of the machines I work with had the
> root account compromised. It's just running a few mushes so it's not that
> big of deal but I don't want it happening again. I went through it with a
> fine tooth comb and wouldn't mind it if any of you guys tried to whack at
> it... Lemme know what you find. The IP is
> Don
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Bill Warner
Direct Alliance Corp.
Unix/Linux Admin.