directory Syncing
Kevin Buettner
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 09:00:53 -0700
On Sep 21, 5:51am, Bill Warner wrote:
> what is the best way to get rsync capabilities between
> two local directories. such as /foo and /bar need to be
> synced. I have looked at rsync and rdist but both seem
> to be for syncing across two or more hosts and not for
> just two directories. Searching on freshmeat turned up
> pretty much nothing, but I am not sure exactly what I should
> be looking for.
rsync works well between two local directories also.
...which reminds me: I have a Perl script which does two rsyncs
between a directory on a local machine and a remote machine. I
use it when I want to synchronize a source tree that I've been
working on locally and (perhaps) also remotely. (I try to do
most of my editing locally, but am sometimes undisciplined and
do a bit of it on the remote machine upon which I'm building; the
whole thing works quite well so long as I don't edit the same
file on both the local and remote machines.) I also use it to
synchronize sources on my laptop with my desktop when I travel.
It uses ssh to transport the files securely and asks for your
passphrase exactly once.
I'll post this script if there's any interest...