email Question
Wes Bateman
Sun, 24 Sep 2000 17:35:37 -0500 (CDT)
Depending on the format of the file this should be fairly easy to do. You
could use perl, as already suggested, or shell, python, or many other
And although it's not really a function of sendmail, I'd write it in BASH
and tell them you need a *nix box to run the script on, and then you might
just as well run sendmail, qmail, or postfix, and ditch the old m$
exchange. ;)
> > I am looking for a way to take a single text file that contains weekly
> > status reports for 150 individuals and break up that text file into an email
> > for each individual with only their info on it. Is there a way to do this
> > using sendmail? I am trying to convince my Boss to replace an MS Exchange
> > server with a Linux server running sendmail. Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> > -Justin
> >