SSH for Debian
Kevin O'Connor
Sun, 24 Sep 2000 15:35:54 -0700
"der.hans" wrote:
> Am 24. Sep, 2000 schwäzte Matt G. Ellis so:
> > Mandrake 7.X Has had support for it, They have a non-us thing also, where
> > you can get RPMs for OpenSSH, OpenSSL, GPG, etc.
> Ah, and where would that be? I recently got stuck with, er was given the
> grand opportunity :) to work with Mandrake and no SSH was annoying as
> hell. Granted, it took only a few minutes to d/l, compile, install and
> config OpenSSL and OpenSSH :).
> How long have they had this? Any other dists have this type of thing and
> make it available? SuSE had something like this, but it wasn't easily
> available due to .us restrictions...
> I'd like to know the peculiarities of Mandrake as I will be needing to
> work with it in the future.
> Next comes either TurboLinux or one of the *BSDs.
When you do the install you have a chance to install the 'crypto stuff'.
This requires an internet connection and will give you OpenSSH, and the
tighter version of NetScrape, along with some other goodies...
It always seemed to work fine for me, using a ftp/http proxy ...
Kevin O'Connor
The root of all superstition is that men observe when a thing hits,
but not when it misses.
-- Francis Bacon