PLUG Steering...
Sun, 24 Sep 2000 03:36:14 -0700 (MST)
Am 24. Sep, 2000 schwäzte Kevin Brown so:
> There were meetings held one saturday a month, but I think those just
> sorta died off from either a lack of interest or place to meet.
We lost our meeting space.
> There's nothing stopping anyone from taking charge and setting up
> meetings elsewhere at a different time. This was the plan that was
Exactly. If you want a PLUG meeting in a different part of town step up
and make it happen. Several of us have tried to help organize meetings in
other parts of town, but the "locals" need to make it happen :).
I would love it if we had West Valley and Central Phoenix meetings. We had
a company near Glendale and I-17 offer us meeting space, but PLUG didn't
provide the organization to make it happen.
We would prefer to have 2 or 3 volunteers to organize the meeting. This
way no one person commits themself for the rest of their life :).
Minimally the volunteers need to coordinate with whomever's providing the
meeting space, make sure we know when and where the meetings are and show
up to help people. Doing topics like the Thur night meetings is great, but
definitely not a requirement. The Central Phoenix meeting was a monthly
installfest. It seemed to work out quite well.
If you're interested in organizing a meeting in another part of town,
please let the Steering Committee know and we will do what we can to help
you get setup.
Also, if you'd like to take on a topic for a Thur night meeting, please
let us know. Jiva's running out of things to say ( like that would ever
happen ;-) and we'd love to let others participate.
PLUG meetings happen because a few people (primarily Jiva and Jim)
volunteer to make it happen. Brian and Wes before him have done well
providing us a place to meet. Ken Bowley led the Sat meetings for a long
time before we lost our meeting space.
If you want a better, more geographically available PLUG, please step up
to help us build a better environment.
3 people started PLUG. A few others stepped up. We've build a good LUG. It
can be better, but it needs more member involvement to reach the next
# I've got a photographic memory,
# but I'm lousy photographer. - der.hans