RegExp in EMACS
Trent Shipley
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 08:49:26 -0700
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 7:59 AM
> To:
> Subject: RegExp in EMACS
> \_ I have found the 'replace-string' and 'replace-regexp' in
> EMACS, and I use
> \_ them a lot.
> \_
> \_ Unfortunately, replace-regexp only allows you to use a fixed
> replacement
> \_ string.
> \_
> \_ How do I interactively replace a regexp with a regular expression?
> Hmmm...teach to fish or provide fish....
> M-x apropos regexp ; learn to fish
> Paging the resulting set will make you go "do'h" if you've used the
> interactive search and replace for standard boring regexps (those with
> no wild cards, also known as just 'search').
> David
I had already done this, and on your advice I have done so again. All I get
from C-h a regexp is a list that indicates EMACS has a built-in macro to
perform an interactive 'replace-regexp-with-string' but no interactive
facility that amounts to 'replace-regexp1-with-regexp2-refering-to-regexp1.'
I am hoping to avoid having to either write an E-LISP macro (since that
would entail learning e-lisp, and I'm in a hurry) or playing with PERL to
get a non-interactive solution.