Annoying .DOC files (was Re: Excelco Needs Accounting, Technical, Programming People)
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 08:00:56 -0700

\_ > If interested, please send text in plain text to  DO
\_ > NOT send any attachments in the form of *.DOC to me for review.  I will
\_ > not open them!   Principals only at this time.
\_ Is there a linux solution (even a simply C program to strip the M$
\_ coding and give some decent plaintext; the M$ format files are rarely
\_ in a sensible order) to opening these annoying .DOC files yet?

Freshmeat 'wv' formerly known as 'mswordview' or sumtin'.  I've got it
mapped as a decoder in emacs for offending word documents that I
occasionally have to read from the other side of the house.
