Excelco Needs Accounting, Technical, Programming People
John Mosier
Sat, 16 Sep 2000 13:20:38 -0700
Excelco is in need of a few good people. Excelco sells, customizes, and
supports business management (ERP) software.
Excelco is on the verge of selling a LARGE project.
First need is for "Jack of all Trades" programmer. Since our software is
written in Acucobol, we would first seek someone with that background.
We also need data base (RDBMS) specialists to work on our team.
Those RDBMS or most significance are Sybase, MS SQL, and Oracle.
Web server experience with IONA, IBM Websphere, Cold Fusion, with
CORBA, EJB, etc. is highly desirable.
We favor operating-system-neutral solutions since our software runs on
many different environments. For networking experience we prefer people
with UNIX, or Linux background and interest. (Do you know how to say "vi?")
We also need CPA and / or business management consultants who can
learn to do projects and SUPPORT for our installations. A person with
business experience mixed with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge
about technology would fit in here.
Emphasis will be placed on finding people who can be team players.
If interested, please send text in plain text to john@excelco.com. DO
NOT send any attachments in the form of *.DOC to me for review. I will
not open them! Principals only at this time.
John Mosier, Excelco Fax: (602) 992-2026 Voice: (602) 992-8076
http://www.swinfo.com http://www.excelco.com
2990 E Northern Ave, Ste A-101, Phoenix, AZ 85028 (800) 553-6911