Looking for linux-friendly pc->tv hardware

sinck@ugive.com sinck@ugive.com
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 08:02:33 -0700 (MST)

I know primary VGA out is supported via the drivers.  I think the
second head is supported, but talk to the source.  Check xfree86.org.
You could potentially also do a vendor solution via acceleratedX,
from, um, xInside, but they changed their name to Xi Graphics or
something.  Ooo ooo, straight from their website (www.xinside.com):

	       Check out the list of graphics cards now
	       supported with our new 3D product line.

		The newest additions are for the G400
		line from Matrox. YEP, DualHead, too.

\_ How is the support for the Matrox G400 Max with Dual Head (tv out)?
\_ I heard that the specs were released, but implemented? I don't know.
\_    Hello, everybody!
\_    I am looking for a way to get video output from my computer
\_    to a t.v. so I can record image slideshows to VCR. I have seen
\_    this done before, but that was a while back.  Any suggestions?
\_    Thanks.
\_    -- 
\_    Rick Rosinski
\_    http://rickrosinski.com
\_    rick@rickrosinski.com
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