Nullmail and ssmtp

Tue, 12 Sep 2000 23:08:34 -0700 (MST)

Am 12. Sep, 2000 schwäzte Nathan Saper so:

> Some mailers don't handle PGP/MIME very well.  For example, with Pine, you
> have to export the mail to a file, then run PGP manually on it.  Maybe I'm
> missing something...

I thought you could run the message through a pipe as long as it's ascii

qrovna xvpxf nff

Pipe this message through a rot13 filter, tr a-z n-za-m, to get back to
the orig. Just noticed that pine takes you to a viewer for that, so
replying sucks :(. You can forward the piped text, but can't reply to
it. Pretty lame.

Oh well, I'm planning on figuring out how to get mutt to work like I want
it to anyway...

> Mutt only scans the headers of mails to see if they're PGP
> signed/encrypted.  This is a PGP/MIME thing, I think.  Procmail just adds
> that header to PGP messages that don't already have it.

I use procmail anyhow.

> Don't ask me why mutt is set up that way...

It has many peculiararities.


#  Magic is science unexplained. - der.hans