Craig White
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 09:09:27 -0700
David's excellent explanation ignores what I have found to be the best
solution of all. Once you have obtained the dhcp info by hooking up a
computer running Mac OS or Windows...you already know the ip address/gateway
address etc. Then you set your linux box up as static IP. Granted @home
could switch your ip but they won't without good cause and it takes a whole
lot less time.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: plug-discuss-admin@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> [mailto:plug-discuss-admin@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us]On Behalf Of
> sinck@ugive.com
> Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 7:49 AM
> To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> Subject: DHCPcd
> \_ Hello,
> \_
> \_ I am trying to setup dhcpcd to configure my external ethernet
> card from Cox@Home's DHCP server.
> \_
> \_ I tried 'dhcpcd -DH eth0' and received the following messages
> in my kernel:
> \_ Sep 11 23:52:58 jane kernel: dhcpcd uses obsolete
> \_ Sep 11 23:53:58 jane dhcpcd[2190]: timed out waiting for a
> valid DHCP server response
> \_
> \_ I tried 'dhclient eth0' and received the following:
> \_ Sep 12 00:26:51 jane dhclient: Internet Software Consortium
> DHCP Client 2.0b1pl29
> \_ [more info messages]
> \_ Sep 12 00:26:52 jane dhclient: Listening on LPF/eth0/00:40:05:70:16:7d
> \_ Sep 12 00:26:52 jane dhclient: Sending on LPF/eth0/00:40:05:70:16:7d
> \_ Sep 12 00:26:52 jane dhclient: Sending on
> Socket/fallback/fallback-net
> \_ Sep 12 00:26:52 jane dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to
> port 67 interval 4
> \_ Sep 12 00:26:56 jane dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to
> port 67 interval 8
> \_ Sep 12 00:27:04 jane dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to
> port 67 interval 12
> \_ [more of the same until...]
> \_ Sep 12 00:27:52 jane dhclient: No DHCPOFFERS received.
> \_ Sep 12 00:27:52 jane dhclient: No working leases in persistent
> database - sleeping.
> \_
> \_ Questions:
> \_ Any suggestions would be appriciated? Could someone tell me what I
> \_ might be missing? I assume linux can be configured using cox's
> \_ dhcp server.
> \_
> \_ When cox@home was first installed, it was done with windows. I had
> \_ to move the NIC over to the linux machine to get it to continue to
> \_ work. It is working right now. I'd just like to get the dhcp part
> \_ working.
> Ok, the NIC issue is that you didn't power cycle the modem. After the
> modem warms up, it only really wants to talk to one NIC afaik.
> Cycling the modem should get it to pay attention to another card.
> The dhcp server is the -h (?) flag set to whatever the name of your
> box is supposed to be as far as cox is concerned:
> cx31415926-a.foocity.az.home.com (or perhaps just the cx part).
> I learned from a recent install that the '-a' part is incremented
> every time cox 'provisions' a modem. So, first hop, it's -a, second
> -b, and so on. For what that's worth.
> I have yet to see someone say that cox has utilized the 'd' part of
> 'dhcp'.
> David
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