Reminder: AZSAGE - > September 12th - Perl/TK - Hosted By IBM

Krueger, Terry (AZ75)
Mon, 11 Sep 2000 11:16:22 -0700

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September 12th - Perl/TK  Event Hosted By IBM
   ~~ Cookies and beverages will be served ~~
Additional Info:

Denise Olliffe from O'Reilly & Associates has donated
3 Perl books to be given away during the event.

- Learning Perl
- Perl Cookbook
- Programming Perl


Have you visited the O'Reilly Web Site Lately?

Don't forget about the 20% User Group discount from O'Reilly
1-800-998-9938 x339 code DSUG

~~~AZSAGE EVENT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

DATE:           Tuesday, September 12th, 2000

TIME:           6:30 - 7:00 Sign-in
                7:00 Presentation begins
                (Please be prompt!  The lobby is locked and
                attendees must be escorted to the IBM's
                presentation room between 6:30pm - 7pm.)

LOCATION:       IBM Room 202
ADDRESS:        2929 N. Central Ave. Phoenix AZ 85012

CONTACTS:       Terry Krueger, AZSAGE 602-436-5475
                Eric Gieszl, IBM 602-217-2054

TOPIC:          Perl/TK presented by Brett Berry

Event Overview...

During the last presentation (, we
focused on: windows, frames, labels, menubars, radio buttons, check-boxes,
buttons and text-boxes.

During this presentation, we will start with the basics: building a window,
inserting frames, building a menu bar.  Then we will create a program that
incorporates the canvas, scroll bars, bitmaps, photos, and whatever else I
can fit in there.

About the Presenter:  Brett Berry

Brett has been working with Perl/TK for three years, and has found good
favor when using this skill.  Some benefits include: going to Virginia on
weekly business trips, paid for by Motorola; and having our Perl/TK tutorial
displayed on (the $200 was nice too).

I have been consulting for local companies the last four years, and have
found it very rewarding.  It has allowed me to broaden my skills from a 3-D
designer and Unix shell scripter, to a Jr Unix Sys Admin - Perl hack -
JavaScript webpage designer.  This year, I have been focusing on learning
Java, PhotoShop, Flash and Director.

Of course, I'm always ready for a game of AOE or StarCraft.

Check out Brett's product...

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|     | |    _/_/_/_/_/_/ _________________________________________________ |
|     | |  _/          _/ Arizona System Administrators Guild - Phoenix, AZ |
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# "... the social skills of a cow on acid." - der.hans