Nullmail and ssmtp
Mon, 11 Sep 2000 20:02:22 -0700 (MST)
Am 12. Sep, 2000 schwäzte Nathan Saper so:
> Hash: SHA1
> I'm trying to switch over to mutt as my mail reader. (I guess I've
> outgrown Pine. :) Unfortunately, mutt doesn't support SMTP, which I need
I keep looking at mutt every few months and though I'm getting better with
it I find it needs to catch up with pine in terms of sanity.
j or Down next-entry move to the next entry
k or Up previous-entry move to the previous entry
^N next-thread jump to the start of the next thread
^P previous-thread jump to the start of the previous thread
Which framework do they want to use? Granted, it's highly configurable, so
I have to opportunity to get very intimate with it and get what I want,
but the defaults just seem wierd.
German support's pretty good, though :).
How does one get it to default to the mail dir for looking for folders,
e.g. for saving or changing folder, w/o having to use + or =? That
'feature' is massively aggravating.
I could change $HOME for mutt, but I want folder activity to default to
~/mail and file activity to default to ~. Makes sense to me :).
> to use in order to send mail.
How's it sending mail, then? Doesn't it just kick into whatever
/usr/sbin/sendmail links to?
> What is the easiest way to get mail delivered via SMTP? I've tried both
> of the suggestions from the mutt FAQ (nullmail and ssmtp), but neither one
> works. Is there an easy way to configure exim to deliver mail via an SMTP
> host? If not, are there any other utils I should try?
I'd think that should be done via sendmail. You use debian, right? Set up
exim via eximconfig and you should be set. Just did an smpt test and it
worked out of the box, so I'll take that as proof I'm right ;-).
# Magic is science unexplained. - der.hans