Debian question
Debian Linux User
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 21:42:39 -0700
I bought one of the magazines and was not impressed. They try to
use the hype factor too much for me. I remember that due to their
parent company being mostly windows based, they sent out a cd with
a copy if ie in the maximum linux issue.
On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 06:37:05PM -0700, Julian M Catchen wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I recently received a solicitation in the mail for a free issue of the magazine
> "Maximum Linux." Now, I have been a faithful reader of Linux Journal for a
> couple of years now and am always looking for new, interesting Linux materials.
> One thing that bothers me about the ad though is that they quote one of their
> satisfied customers: "I'm ... shocked and overjoyed that a mainstream
> publishing group is going to publish a Linux Magazine!"
> I reeks of "Thank god Microsoft is finally going to put out a *good* version of
> Linux."
> Anyway, has anyone read this or its parent publication, Maximum PC? Is it
> worth it or just some company jumping on the badwagon?
> Thanks,
> julian
> ---------------------------------------------
> j. m. c a t c h e n - p h x, a z
> j u l i a n a t c a t c h e n d o t o r g
> *h t t p : / / w w w . c a t c h e n . o r g*
> d a t e: 07-Sep-2000 t i m e: 18:31:39
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