Debian question
Lucas Vogel
Fri, 8 Sep 2000 08:28:55 -0700
IMHO, Maximum Linux is a hype-driven magazine more than it is one of
content. While they occasionally break through with an interesting article
or two, its primary purpose as a magazine seems to be to serve as
advertisement fodder. The articles have an adolescent feel to them, which is
hard to describe except that the articles don't come across as written
In short, Maximum Linux seems to be a magazine targeting new Linux users who
are between 12 and 24.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Julian M Catchen []
> Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 6:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Debian question
> Hello Everyone,
> I recently received a solicitation in the mail for a free
> issue of the magazine
> "Maximum Linux." Now, I have been a faithful reader of Linux
> Journal for a
> couple of years now and am always looking for new,
> interesting Linux materials.
> One thing that bothers me about the ad though is that they
> quote one of their
> satisfied customers: "I'm ... shocked and overjoyed that a mainstream
> publishing group is going to publish a Linux Magazine!"
> I reeks of "Thank god Microsoft is finally going to put out a
> *good* version of
> Linux."
> Anyway, has anyone read this or its parent publication,
> Maximum PC? Is it
> worth it or just some company jumping on the badwagon?
> Thanks,
> julian
> ---------------------------------------------
> j. m. c a t c h e n - p h x, a z
> j u l i a n a t c a t c h e n d o t o r g
> *h t t p : / / w w w . c a t c h e n . o r g*
> d a t e: 07-Sep-2000 t i m e: 18:31:39
> ---------------------------------------------
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