[OpNIX-Discuss] RSA released into public domain today

Nathan Hollinger nate@opnix.com
Wed, 06 Sep 2000 15:25:22 -0700

Ooh, a whole two weeks early. The patent will expire on the 20th of this
month anyway. Nice PR move on their part, though.

"J.L.Francois" wrote:

> http://www.rsasecurity.com/developers/total-solution/faq.html
> JLF Sends...
> In particular, we really needed to have a commercially packaged
> version of Perl for the Windows folks, because many of them were (and
> still are) clueless about open source.  It's almost like we're doing
> Windows users a favor by charging them money for something they could
> get for free, because they get confused otherwise. ( Larry Wall )
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