to plug please <g> (fwd)
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 07:14:27 -0700 (MST)
\_ Essentially, this is what the scripts do. When the laptop is at nasa, root
\_ types 'sh /root/atnasa' and the network conf files are copied over to the
\_ right places (eg, ifcfg-eth0, resolv.conf, etc etc...), and the nic (3com pc
\_ card) is brought up. When the laptop is at asu, root types 'sh /root/atasu'
\_ and the process repeats itself, but copying over different conf files. On
\_ the RH6.1 laptop, this works beautifully, but RH6.2 is sucking goat because
\_ it puts a '?' after each file name that the scripts copy over.
I'm laying odds it's not a question mark, Mark. (sorry) try
ls -al | cat -A
and see what that character really is. Offhand, I'd bet on either a
newline or a carriage return.
Check the move line on your scripts and see if somehow weird stuff
happens there. Or rewrite the scripts in perl and call rename() or
system() to affect the move where you know what the characters are.