Disconnecting from the phone line

Larry Schmid larry-schmid@home.com
Sun, 29 Oct 2000 10:20:33 -0700

Rod Roark wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Oct 2000, Larry Schmid wrote:
> > Rod Roark wrote:
> > >
> > > Or perhaps you can tell Exchange to forward your mail to an account
> > > that does support pop/imap.
> >
> > Outgoing pop connections are denied at the firewall, as is ssh.  Telnet
> > and ftp, however, are not.  I run sshd on port 23 at home so I can get
> > to my stuff from work.  Since I don't use ftp, I could forward
> > everything here from Exchange, run qpopper on port 21, pull it back with
> > fetchmail on my workstation and then use Mailtool.  :^)
> Hmm, how about forwarding mail internally?  Just run Postfix or whatever
> on your desktop at work, with local mail delivery (no POP needed).

Yea, I was just having too much fun playing Rube Goldberg.....

Provoke not your SA to anger, for he is a jealous SA, vengeful,
keeper of root, and quick to wrath.
