Linux Secure File Wipe was Re: Lost any file lately?
Sat, 28 Oct 2000 19:41:27 -0700
I don't even remember where I got the source.
I tried the CKT version and hated it.
I found this other PGP source and made some mods on my own to the
patches that were already in it for large keys.
I keep the source on tape because without it I can't even read my own keyring.
Looks like I built the last binary back in 1997:
Pretty Good Privacy(tm) 2.6.3 - Public-key encryption for the masses.
(c) 1990-96 Philip Zimmermann, Phil's Pretty Good Software. 1997-10-07
Hacked for use by J. Francois.
Current time: 2000/10/29 02:40 GMT
For details on licensing and distribution, see the PGP User's Guide.
For other cryptography products and custom development services, contact:
Philip Zimmermann, 3021 11th St, Boulder CO 80304 USA, phone +1 303 541-0140
For a usage summary, type: pgp -h
JLF Sends...
It seems like on Sat, Oct 28, 2000 at 05:10:06PM -0700, Nathan Saper scribbled:
Orig Msg> Hash: SHA1
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg> On 10/26/00, 5:04:32 PM, wrote regarding Re: Lost any
Orig Msg> file lately?:
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg> > I have a hackup up version of pgp2.6.3 I have been running that can make
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg> > 16384 bit keys.
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg> > Not practical but nice to know it's there.
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg> Is this for Linux? I know that Cyber Knights Templar wrote a version
Orig Msg> like this, but I thought it was only for Windows.
Orig Msg>
Jean Francois - JLF Sends...
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