I'm Wireless!!!

Jason jkenner@mindspring.com
Fri, 27 Oct 2000 02:21:06 -0700

Kevin Buettner wrote:
> On Oct 26, 10:30pm, Kevin Brown wrote:
> > Well, looks like I hosed X windows while working on getting linux to work with
> > the wavelan card.
> [...]
> > Debating on if I want to just backup my personal files and
> > trash the whole bloody install and try again...
> I recommend that you persevere and fix your present install.  Sure,
> reinstalling might be easier, but you'll be depriving yourself of an
> excellent learning opportunity...
> Kevin

Ya - never reinstall, even when no one else is using your distribution

(Does anyone else have copies of libc4 still installed, and actually
need them? heh)

jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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