crontab and tty

Mon, 23 Oct 2000 00:17:54 -0700

AZ_Pete wrote:
> I'm getting an error when I run a script via crontab.  The error is emailed
> to me and consists of:
> 'stdin: is not a tty'.
> I created a small test script to better verify the error and the resulting
> error is the same.
> Here is the test script:
> #!/bin/bash
> . $HOME/.bash_profile
> env > test.txt
> The script execute fine from the command line with no errors generated.
> When I run it from crontab, the error 'stdin: is not a tty' is emailed to me
> from crontab.
> I have been able to cure the problem by appending
> ' > /dev/null 2>&1 ' to the end of the crontab entry.  However, this seems
> like a band-aid fix that doesn't address the underlying problem.

Since bash scripts can be terminated by pressing ctrl-c, perhaps bash
is looking for a source of input?

jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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