well, I am pissed with redhat
Mon, 23 Oct 2000 00:06:59 -0700
Hawke wrote:
> well,
> I've finally had it with redhat.
> I have spent the last 5 hours TRYING to get the needed
> security updates from them (without success I might add).
> Their ftp site is unreliable (at best) and right now, impossible!
Well, I did:
slick:~$ ftp ftp.redhat.com
Connected to ftp.redhat.com.
220 FTP server ready.
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
530-Anonymous user limit reached, see
530 Login incorrect.
Login failed.
ftp> bye
Yup, sure enough.. and its just after midnight no less! Wait.. thats
when ALL the people like me are awake and on the internet. Maybe I'd
have better luck at, say, 10AM (I remember when the internet was most
conjested during 9AM to 4PM or so.. waay back in the day.. sigh..)
However, a quick trip to the web page they mentioned gives a list of
several mirror sites. I picked, at random, three who were listed as
having updates for Intel, Alpha, AND Sparc (all three) and all three
of the mirrors succeeded in allowing FTP access.
Is there a common problem with the mirrors not having recent files, or
are the mirrors just typically less available?
jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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