IDE vs SCSI drives

Thu, 19 Oct 2000 21:31:31 -0700 (MST)

Am 19. Oct, 2000 schwäzte Jason so:

> On another note, why exactly is it that a 32bit system limits one to
> 2GB files, rather than 4GB files? Whos bright idea was it to use a
> signed integer rather than an unsigned one to point to a location in a
> file, anyways?

I thought the 2GB hurdle was surpassed? Maybe it's an ext3 or extended
ext2 thing. I don't have any 2GB files, so I haven't paid attention :).

In any case, for Kevin's tests, would it matter if he just copied 10 1GB
files vs. one 10GB file?

How about just cleaning out memory by reading all of the gutenberg project
and the source code for SuSE's distribution into a single perl scalar
variable, then using it as a number and dividing it by pi? :) Minimally,
that should be enough entropy to generate a gpg key ;-).


#  I'm not anti-social, I'm pro-individual. - der.hans