automation of collecting web site size
Mon, 16 Oct 2000 07:58:32 -0700

\_ : Furthermore just getting the head doesn't tell you what else might be
\_ : linked to it down the tree.
\_ Huh? Are you saying sizeof(Content-Length) != sizeof(website). That's
\_ kind of restating the obvious, isn't it? I kind of presumed Wes would
\_ understand the fragment had to be looped, called recursively, whatever;
\_ and also called only if certain conditions he designed were met, like
\_ your comment regaring CGI.

My indirect point was that if you're just GETting HEAD, you won't get
the links that are in the rest of the page...which is fine if you
already know where the links go and they don't change the page....  

You might try [ab]using google or one of the other caches, ask for
their local cached version, which in some instances includes the
headers, which include content-length.

Well, that'd be text only.  Hmmm.
