GIMP formats && bug reports && newbies :)
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 01:16:10 -0700 (MST)
moin, moin,
I asked a couple of questions about GIMP last week and when I opened it
today, it answered one of them. This question was already answered, but
here's documentation for it.
"Most file-formats can't handle layers and for that reason only the active
layer is saved. Use XCF, the GIMP's native file format to keep layers,
channels and guides when saving."
Note that the missing comma after format is their error :). I've submitted
a bug report to get that fixed.
This is one way that we can all help out. Send in bug reports, even for
documentation. In fact, that's one way that newbies are exclusively in a
position to help. Those of us "non-newbies" out there have been using *NIX
for a while and don't necessarily notice errors (especially errors of
omission!) because we don't use the docs that much.
Please remember to help the guy behind you and file bug reports and
suggestions for improvement.
Debian has some nice bug reporting tools. I use bug, but see I should be
using reportbug. I believe there's also a GUI as well. It's funny that
gnome-bug doesn't seem to have a GUI interface :).
Do other dists have bug tracking interfaces?
# Help Jerry Lewis stamp out M$...oops that's MDA - der.hans