Lucas Vogel
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 14:25:05 -0700
where is it at? A quick look at the website said something about Portland...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: der.hans []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 1:46 AM
> To: quatsch
> Subject: PLUG @ ITEC
> moin, moin,
> ITEC is doing Linux and Broadband this year. As such they've
> offered PLUG
> a free booth at the show. We can also get tons of free
> tickets, but those
> are easy to get anyway :).
> Anyway, it's 10:00 to 16:00 the first two days of November
> (Wed and Thu)
> and they try to target IT doobies.
> has volunteered
> to help us organize a showing there.
> Please contact Marty to volunteer :). This is not something
> PLUG has to
> participate in, rather it is something we've been invited to
> and we can do
> so if we have members willing to volunteer their time to make
> it happen.
> Having an empty booth is not a good way to do this. Opnix launches the
> first night of the tradeshow or I'd help out.
> If we do well, we might be able to make it an annual thing,
> which would be
> great for PLUG publicity and also give us a chance to show
> the vendors who
> donate SWAG for our monthly meetings that we're out promoting
> Linux in the
> valley.
> Please let us know if you have any ideas aside from having
> people stand
> around a table laden with flyers to answer questions. We are
> going to try
> to get some SWAG from vendors, but that's not a done deal. The most
> important aspect is that we get PLUG members to commit to helping out.
> Great excuse to go and wander around collecting SWAG from other tables
> during breaks ;-).
> ciao,
> der.hans
> --
> #
> # It's up to the reader to make the book interesting.
> # An author has only the opportunity to make it
> uninteresting. - der.hans
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