Clayton Stapleton
Wed, 4 Oct 2000 08:46:37 -0700
Modified "@if [ ! -f /Makefile ]; then false; fi"
to "@if [ ! -f $(DIR_SRC)/$(MAKEDEV)/Makefile ]; then false; fi"
and a make stage2 goes beyond the "if" statement and produces:
chown: bin/*: Operation not permitted. And all files after have
the same ending statement.
Did I make the right modification to the "if" statement and id not
what should it be?
Clay Stapleton
On Tue, 03 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Have found the info.
> Now I have inserted a line following "@(PREBUILD)" that says
> @echo "Prebuild done". Then ran make stage2 again and that line
> was printed to the screen and the next line was the error line.
> Inserted a line after the "if" statement @echo "if is done" and reran
> make stage2 with no dispay of "if is done" so apparently there is
> a problem with the "@if [ ! -f /Makefile ]; then false; fi" statement.
> Any help would be appriciated.
> Clay Stapleton