Free CPU - anyone want it?

Sun, 01 Oct 2000 18:26:38 -0700

I have an AMD K5-75 CPU (50MHz bus, 1.5x multiplier) if anyone wants
it. It will work on almost any Socket 7 motherboard. This CPU will run
stable at 83MHz if a modern fansink is used in a room temperature
environment, but cannot seem to run 90MHz without being kept below 0c.
On this CPU, one can set the clock multiplier to "2" instead of 1.5
and the effective multiplier becomes 1. Thus, it is possible to use a
75 or 83MHz bus with this CPU. 

Im offering this CPU up to PLUG for two reasons:
1. I already have a P166MMX (can do 250 easy) thats sitting around
doing nothing. Not enough S7 motherboards here, my K6 and K6-2 occupy
both of them.
2. Us linux users are some of the most likely to be able to put old
hardware to use for something valuable.

All I ask in return is that you actually use it for something other
than a keychain or the like.

jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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