OT: Hardware Trade

sinck@ugive.com sinck@ugive.com
Tue, 21 Nov 2000 08:36:06 -0700

It sure is tacky to respond to your own post, but hey....

\_ Costco: Sylvania 19" 0.26 1600x1200 $239: 1152x864 @ 100Hz  [200Mhz b/w]

I was delusional; $259 is the price I wrote down while I was at Costco...

\_ Iiyama: i90A     19" 0.25 1920x1440 $450: 1280x1024 @ 98 Hz [300Mhz b/w]

iiyama also makes a similar propertied model to the sylvania at
roughly the same price point.
