need small HD's

George Toft
Tue, 21 Nov 2000 05:38:36 -0700

Don't laugh too hard.   I have seen a demo of a refigerator that has
a bar code scanner and computer (LCD in the door) that keeps inventory
of what you use (easy), and will send the cooking instructions to
the oven via 100BaseT using TCP/IP.  You are probably not too far


Jason wrote:
> George Toft wrote:
> >
> > Let me state for the record that no personal computer will ever need
> > more than 640K of RAM (William Gates III).  That's right up there
> > with "the country will need no more than about ten of these
> > 'computers.'"  (There are something like 2 billion of them in the
> > world right now.)
> >
> > 22 years ago, I had 48K RAM and a 88K floppy drive and no modem.
> > Original cost was $1800.  Adjusted for inflation: $7000.
> >
> > 11 years ago, I had 1MB RAM, and a 30MB hard drive with a 300bps modem.
> > Cost: $1300.  Inflated cost: $2300.
> ooh, ouch - FSK was definitly out of style in 1989.. I had a 1200bps
> modem (PSK) at that point, an Atari external, connected to an Apple
> 2+, and people were ragging on 1200, because they had 2400s. Shortly
> after, USR introduced the first of the 9600s...
> > Now I have 128MB RAM, and a 2 GB drive (that was donated) on a 640/272
> > kbps dsl line.  Cost: $600.
> > 10 years from now I should have a multiputer with 16 nodes (each of
> > which has 128MB RAM), and a SAN with 500 Terabyte ultra-RAID on a
> > Gigabit network (because that's all I can afford) with a
> > (44.7 mbps) DSL line, because I'll put up with the streaming video
> > advertisements for free Internet II access.
> > Cost: $1200.  Deflated cost: $700
> No no, thats not "what the market wants". What you will have is a free
> refridgerator with an unlimited OC3 and a 25 inch flat panel LCD
> display on the front that constantly shows food and drink commercials,
> encouraging you to purchase and/or eat, based on contents of the
> fridge and what it thinks the contents of you are... Should you run
> low on something, it will check your palm pilot 16 via microwave, and
> if you have any free time, suggest either a resturant. If not, it will
> pester you while you attempt to work, asking you if you would like to
> take advantage of various "deals" available via delivery, and if you
> would also like to purchase anything else. Consumers (the word
> becoming ever the more ironic...) who attempt to diet without
> purchasing extra food, or excercise in a manner not compatible with ad
> viewing, will actually be in the "have-nots" due to their negetive
> influence on the new economy in this bread-basket country ...
> heheh
> --
> jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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