
Rooster dbarker6@uswest.net
Fri, 10 Nov 2000 18:24:27 -0700

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ok, now we've all had experiences with qwest (us pest) and all have 
stories. but tell me this. last night i called in for service when 
both lines in the house went out. of course they said nothing was 
wrong. but today i leave the house and see a qwest truck on my 
street. not only was it going from house to house. but before i get 3 
blocks, i also see 2 other qwest trucks and 2 "indepedent 
contractors" in the neighborhood also. so if nothing was wrong, why 
did they have that many people in such a small area???? just a 
pondering thought. anyone else in the tempe area have this?
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<div>ok, now we've all had experiences with qwest (us pest) and all
have stories. but tell me this. last night i called in for service
when both lines in the house went out. of course they said nothing
was wrong. but today i leave the house and see a qwest truck on my
street. not only was it going from house to house. but before i get 3
blocks, i also see 2 other qwest trucks and 2 &quot;indepedent
contractors&quot; in the neighborhood also. so if nothing was
wrong,<u> why did they have that many people in such a small
area????</u> just a pondering thought. anyone else in the tempe area
have this?</div>