24 bit display

Jason jkenner@mindspring.com
Wed, 08 Nov 2000 00:20:45 -0700

Mark Peoples wrote:
> Hi all,
>  This is coming from a user's box. System is RH6.1 with updates.
> I tried running morpho with a 24 bit display:
>     startx -- :0 -bpp 24  >& start24.log
> The screen just blinks and I get the following message
> at the end of my start24.log:
> Fatal server error:
> No "Display" subsection for -bpp depth 24
> Any ideas? I assume he'll need to modify his X configs to add a Display
> section for 24 bit, correct?

Try 32 bits, maybe the video card doesnt support packed byte display
(the only real meaningful interpretation of 24bit video, since all
32bit video is 24bit anyways, at least as far as the RGB DAC is

jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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