BSA ads
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 19:25:02 -0700
Hey, pal. Just because you're all about this "free"
software ting don' mean you shouldn't be frightened
fsckless by those BSA ads.
I myself went to Fry's and purchased forty FreeBSD
PowerPaks for my forty FreeBSD systems, just so I
don' get fined $4,000,000 and end up bein' Bubba's
"girlfriend" in the big house.
* On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 10:23:24AM -0700, Deepak Saxena wrote:
> So has anyone else but me caught the Business Software Association
> ads that have been running on TV and the radio last two weeks? For
> those that haven't, the summary is that they're trying to scare people
> into running and getting all their software registered. What are
> people's thoughts on these? It seems like such a good opportunity
> to showcase the many benefits of Open Source.
> ~ Deepak
> --
> Deepak Saxena | Talk a lot about this Jesus
> | A man of love, a man of strength
> | But what a man did 2000 years ago
> | Means nothing at all to me today