Possible job fix (was: So sorry if I offended anyone)

Anthony Walsh Anthony Walsh" <awalsh@itconnections.com
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 08:23:45 -0700

Digital Wokan,
Thanks for your ideas, I will look into a PLUG maintainer.
The second idea is good as well, but I think I will try to do the first
As far as location, 99% are jobs in the PHX metro area.  If I have openings
for other states, I post them in that state.



Digital Wokan Wrote:

Two ideas...
A. Get with the PLUG web maintainer about a link to a site where you put
up only Linux/Unix/BSD jobs.  And maybe let everyone know in a quick
e-mail that the page has been updated.  It keeps the messages small and
easily downloaded.  You can even decide on a standard subject line for
others to filter out.
B. If A isn't do-able:  Same page(s), but put the job title and a link
to that jobs page in the e-mail.  Maybe a single page for a given day's
openings so you only have to post a single link.  Keep the standard
subject line idea for filtering purposes.

Most importantly, if it's being announced via PLUG, they should be
Phoenix area jobs.  (Some guy tried recruiting me to go work in
Maryland.  Thankfully not via PLUG.)

Anthony G. Walsh
Account Manager                           awalsh@itconnections.com
IT Connections, Inc.                       602.240.7711     Ext. 14

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