New Meeting Location...

Cindy Fox
Wed, 31 May 2000 05:33:22 -0700

Ah, where is the meeting?  I didn't get a newsletter.

With all that preface, I thought sure you'd throw in an address.  :)  I was
all excited.  I've never been to a meeting and I am ready to have a box and
I want to meet some of the cool people I've been reading here on the list
and.... location...

where is it?  :)


Cindy Fox
Computer Training Solutions
(602) 692-8923
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>;
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 2:25 AM
Subject: New Meeting Location...

> You are about to receive the June Newsletter.  In it will be detailed
> our new second thursday meeting location.  The purpose of this email
> is to send a simple message "DON'T PANIC!"
> "Back in the old days..." PLUG didn't have a consistant meeting place
> and arguments ensued monthly as to where to have a meeting.  Noone
> could agree.  This was most annoying to me when I'd want to go to a
> meeting, but the location wouldn't be decided until say, an hour
> before the meeting and then I couldn't make it.  As a result, I
> stepped forward and said "We will be having regular meetings at the BG
> Club of Scottsdale.  You can choose to join us if you'd like, or not
> if you don't."  This has shown itself to be very successful.
> YOU MAY NOT BE HAPPY WITH THE LOCATION.  We all realize this.  Phoenix
> is a big place.  It is physically impossible to find a single meeting
> location that suits EVERYONE.  I know for certain that there will be
> several regulars who will not be able to come to this meeting because
> of it's location.  It's simply too far.  I'm sorry if you are one of
> those people.
> WHY was this location chosen?  Well, it gets us a projector.  We have
> a consistant time and place EVERY month.  We have lots of room to
> grow.  We have a T1 to the internet.  And it's run by 2 great guys who
> happen to be PLUG members (Brian and Polt!  Thank you guys!!!!).
> All that having been said, you may be fuming, spitting nails, saying
> "What am I supposed to do?  I'm not going THERE!"  Well, there's
> something real simple you can do... start your OWN meeting near you!
> All we ask is that you don't make it on a night which would conflict
> with the regular meeting.  We really need a west valley meeting.
> Noone on the west valley has been willing to coordinate it though.  It
> doesn't really take alot of work.  All you have to do is volunteer to
> either ALWAYS show up at the same place every month, or make sure
> someone else does.
> So, the point of this email is, the meeting location is changing.
> Realize that this may very well be a fairly subjective decision made
> by those of us who prefer east-valley meetings.  Don't hold it against
> us.  I will even happily take the brunt of the responsibility here and
> say yes, I am biased towards the east valley.  Sorry.  I have always
> said that the best service I can do for PLUG is simply to hold
> meetings that I myself enjoy attending and hope that there's others
> who will share my enjoyment.  Part of my enjoyment means having them
> in the east valley.
> (FYI, back in the day, someone did a plot of all the locations of PLUG
> members, and they found that the dead center was actually someplace in
> Tempe.  So you west valley people just need to get more people over
> there. ;D)
> Anyone willing to organize west valley meetings, please step forward!
> Jiva DeVoe
> Chairman, Phoenix Linux User's Group
> --
> Be free and open and breezy!  Enjoy!  Things won't get any better so
> get used to it.
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