Linux Programmer
Mark Peoples
Thu, 25 May 2000 14:46:01 -0700
Yes, but, although you think it is bad, you learned it, right? You didn't
say, "I'm not learning VB because MS designed a crappy language." ?
I wasn't all too thrilled to learn enough ASP/VBScript to have to get me
by...I would have much preferred to do it in PHP, but, that would mean
moving the web server to Linux/FreeBSD, possibly moving the DB server to
Linux/FreeBSD to run My/m/PostgreSQL (or leave it NT and use PHP's MSSQL
server functions)...not to mention installing FP Extensions (I don't care
what anyone else thinks...FP rocks for site management <g>) and making sure
those don't get corrupt. Then, *finally*, make sure that everyone that is
affected by these changes know what happened, and, if needed, re-train them.
The solution? Use what was already in place, and have just one person adjust
instead of all but one. The servers...they're I care? No. They do
what is needed, and they do it very well. Hence, they are the right tool for
the job at hand.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 2:32 PM
Subject: RE: Linux Programmer
\_ Use the best tool for the job...
Yes; the jobs get done faster that way.
\_ it's worked pretty damn well for me. By restricting yourself to non-MS
\_ influenced languages because of a gripe with MS...
Even noting that this was not directed at me, I have to point out that
MS is responsible for VBScript not being good, and hence one of my
gripes with MS. :-)
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