Broken Internet connection

Ryan Denke
Wed, 24 May 2000 13:55:36 -0700

Help! I am a fairly new Linux user. I installed Red Hat 6.2 on my
machine over 2 months ago and have been using it since. My internet
connection is done through a Dlink network card to a cable modem with
service through COX@HOME. All worked fine and dandy until a couple days
ago. To my best recollection, I had changed nothing, although there
might have been an improper shutdown.

It may or may not be related, but I have not been able to access the
Internet from my Linux machine since COX@home's scheduled maintenance &
downtime two days ago.

Now, I can no longer access the internet. Ping and Telnet commands
return NOTHING, not even the lines similar to "Trying"
that you can usually get even if the other end is not responding. You
have to CTRL-C out of it.

The installation is pretty much a standard Red Hat installation and a
failed Apache installation (last attempt was a few weeks ago, so this
probably isn't the problem). Nothing else has been installed. I have
swapped the network card, same results. I can connect my Windows machine
to the cable modem and that works like it used to, so it's not the cable

The machine is brand new running only Red Hat. As an interesting side
note, when installing Red Hat, I first tried a dual boot with Win95.
With the dual boot setup, I was not able to access the Internet either.
As soon as I re-partitioned with a pure Linux setup, access to the
Internet worked again. The hard drive is Western Digital's current IDE

I'm out of ideas! Any suggestions? Could COX have maybe changed
something to make my setup not work? I have verified that my IP address
is still the same. I am trying to avoid a reinstallation of Red Hat.

Ryan Denke