Patrick Stoddard
Wed, 24 May 2000 08:43:20 -0700 (PDT)
> > Old Cyrix 6x86 200 (acutally a 166 in the fine print)
> > cd rom
> > floppy drive
> > 32 MB of RAM
> > 428 MB hard drive
> Is that enough space for RH? I know a few people have pared down RH
> installs, but they knew what they were doing.
The memory should be OK - the Red Hat installer should not complain
about that amount (it will when you are working with 16Mb, even with
the text installer program). You will definitely need to take the
custom install option, as the workstation or server install options
need around 800Mb to 1Gb of drive space - maybe more if everything is
installed. Then you should choose the option to select individual
packages and unselect a lot of the stuff there. Then again, if you
can find another hard drive to use in place of the 428Mb drive, or
in addition to the 428Mb drive, you would have no problems.
I have built 3 firewalls in the past few months, all using Red Hat.
My office has a P133 with 48Mb RAM and a 2.4Gb hard drive, supporting
a DHCP server and allowing my 30 users to access the net. A friend
in north Phoenix has a Cyrix MediaGX-133 box with 32Mb RAM and a 1.6Gb
hard drive for him and a roommate on their cable-modem connection.
I could have used a 1Gb hard drive and still have the same installs
before I would have to seriously consider not putting certain things
on the firewall. The third firewall was on a Dell P-III server with
a 9Gb hard drive and 256Mb RAM, pre-loaded with Red Hat, so that was
no problem whatsoever.
If size of the installation is the overriding issue, then the other
suggestions about the router/firewall on a floppy or the other
distros that focus on doing just the firewall/router stuff and nothing
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