mysql web integration

Robert Ambrose
Sun, 21 May 2000 14:11:39 -0700 (MST)

Have 'Msql-Mysql-modules' been installed?  This is the DBD part for MySQL.


On Fri, 19 May 2000, Don Harrop wrote:

> I've recently aquired a web site that uses perl and mysql.  The guy that
> owns the web site had it written for him and doesn't know much about the
> technical setup of his web site.  In order to accomodate him I've installed
> mysql.  It's running just fine but I've never used mysql and only have a
> basic limited understanding.  I have a comma seperated ascii file with the
> database contents and I'm not sure how to import it into mysql.  Also when I
> run replicator2000.cgi?admin it gives me a cgi error:
> CGI Error:
> Message: fatal error: [Fri May 19 10:10:29 2000] replicator2000.cgi:
> DBD::mysql initialisation failed: [Fri May 19 10:10:29 2000]
> replicator2000.cgi: Can't locate object method "driver" via package
> "DBD::mysql" at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/ line 481.
> [Fri May 19 10:10:29 2000] replicator2000.cgi:
> [Fri May 19 10:10:29 2000] replicator2000.cgi: Perhaps the capitalisation of
> DBD 'mysql' isn't right. at db_func.cgi line 10
> I'm not sure exactly where the problem is but in order to fix it I ran
> perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::DBD::mysql' to possibly fix the error by
> getting the most current DBD stuff.  It ran almost all the way through but
> didn't pass two of the tests so it didn't update.  See below..   I'm not
> sure if this is the best way to fix my original cgi error though?  Any
> ideas, comments on how to fix either error?
> t/00base............ok
> t/10dsnlist.........ok
> t/20createdrop......ok
> t/30insertfetch.....ok
> t/40bindparam.......ok
> t/40blobs...........ok
> t/40listfields......ok
> t/40nulls...........ok
> t/40numrows.........ok
> t/50chopblanks......ok
> t/50commit..........ok
> t/60leaks...........skipping test on this platform
> t/ak-dbd............ok
> t/akmisc............FAILED test 44
>         Failed 1/351 tests, 99.72% okay
> t/dbdadmin..........ok
> t/mysql.............FAILED test 23
>         Failed 1/68 tests, 98.53% okay
> t/mysql2............ok
> Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> t/akmisc.t                  351    1   0.28%  44
> t/mysql.t                    68    1   1.47%  23
> 1 test skipped.
> Failed 2/17 test scripts, 88.24% okay. 2/732 subtests failed, 99.73% okay
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