a strange note...

phil tsuruko@uswest.net
Fri, 19 May 2000 14:01:19 -0700

> This is YOUR ftp client telling you what the remote system (server) is
> running. And yes, with a microsoft ftp server version of 5.0, that would
> definitely be win2k

Ok.  Now that I have this figured out, I can make fun of it (don't make fun of
something you don't understand).

If Microsoft uses their own products, maybe in their little minds, they are
superior.  Which means that Linux must be better because our minds aren't
limited to our own little world.  

then of course when you disconnect, it says 'thank you for using microsoft
products'.  Maybe Microsoft thinks Linux is one of their products?

[Flawed] logic for this:

Windows is a Microsoft Product.
Windows is an OS.
Linux is an OS.
Thus, Linux a Microsoft Product.

Or something like that.  Either way its completely wrong.

Of course, that also makes Netscape, WordPerfect, and many games MS-products
also.  Ph33r. :)  

Don't look at me like that.
Put down the knife!

Don't let me think, I've tried that before, and the above is what came out.