FW: Local News Special Edition
Wed, 10 May 2000 14:07:22 -0700
Not only have they 'tweaked' (a.k.a. embrace, extend, and
exterminate) kerberos, they dont even attest to the validity of their own
information. To quote, (oops - cant do that cause it is expressly
forbidden to only quote part of the original, so I will leave it all in
down there) - M$ doesnt attest to the accuracy or veracity of any of
the information that they are providing! How can M$ expect any reader to
believe a word they say after all the 'dubious' affirmations they have
made in the last year? Owell, I guess every M$ sheep will be fawning over
this one just like they always do - better they learn how to cover those
cute little sheep butts, imho.
On Wed, 10 May 2000, you wrote:
> Someone should go to this and ask them why they're tweaking with
Kerberos. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Microsoft
> [mailto:0_1568_909DF14C-9E99-F845-BF5A-8FD8F8D5AE5B_US@Newsletters.Micro
> soft.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2000 1:53 PM
> To: lvogel@exponent.com
> Subject: Local News Special Edition
> The Microsoft TechNet and MSDN Briefings are coming to Scottsdale!
> _________________________________________________________________
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> Microsoft Quarterly Briefings
> Chaparral Suites Hotel (Scottsdale)
> 5001 N. Scottsdale Road
> Scottsdale , AZ
> TechNet: Thursday, May 18th - 9:00am to 12:15pm
> http://events.microsoft.com/isapi/events/event.asp?s=695227
> MSDN: Thursday, May 18th - 1:30pm to 5:15pm
> http://events.microsoft.com/isapi/events/event.asp?s=695308
> __________________________TECHNET AGENDA__________________________
> Understanding Windows 2000 Security - Kerberos and Smart Cards
> - Hear how Kerberos works, how to leverage Kerberos to provide single
> sign-on within your environment and how to support Smart Cards.
> How to use Office 2000 Features in Data Warehousing
> - Learn about the methods and tools available in Office 2000 that you can
> use to access data in SQL Server 7.0
> Lowering TCO with Office 2000 and Windows 2000
> - Find out what technologies introduced in both Office and Windows 2000 can
> help to lower the costs for administering and maintaining systems by IT
> departments.
> To register:
> http://events.microsoft.com/isapi/events/event.asp?s=695227
> or call (877) 673-8368
> ___________________________MSDN AGENDA___________________________
> Developing OLAP Business Solutions with Analysis Services (Level 100)
> - This session will cover the features of Analysis Services, formerly known
> as OLAP Services, and their relationships to real world business scenarios.
> Overview of Developing Web Store Applications (Level 100)
> - Hear about the new Exchange 2000 Web Store and how to use the Web Store to
> build applications ranging from simple mail-based applications to enterprise
> workflow and knowledge management applications.
> To register:
> http://events.microsoft.com/isapi/events/event.asp?s=695308
> or call (877) 673-8368
> Hope to see you at the event!
> The Microsoft Southwest Team
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Zope is cool!