jiva@devware.com jiva@devware.com
Sun, 7 May 2000 11:48:23 -0700

I can't beleive so many people don't get this.  It's all about Python!
 And this is a FAMOUS python sketch (or character really).  The Nude
 Organist.  Perhaps we need to have a PLUG movie night or something
 where we show old Python episodes.  I have a bunch on Video/DVD and
 would be happy to bring my collection down. ;D

On Sat, May 06, 2000 at 11:24:18AM -0700, Kevin Buettner wrote:
> On May 5, 11:19pm, Mike Donnelly wrote:
> > What's the deal with the LJ supplement this month.  Didn't expect to
> > see such ahhh, a revealing cover?
> It surprised me too.  There's a small caption at the bottom of page
> three that explains it:
>     The cover is a rif on the infamous "nude organist" sketch from
>     Monty Python.  Cover photo of model Jason Schumaker by Musafa
>     Bilal, Turk's Head Studio (http://www.turkshead.com/); the beach
>     scene is from Corel Gallery (http://www.corel.com/).  Finished
>     Composition by Lydia Kinata.

Yea from the table of my memory
I'll wipe away all trivial fond records.
		-- Hamlet