What shell we do with the Microsoft.....
arson smith
Fri, 31 Mar 2000 16:28:15 GMT
That is all well and good, but unfortunately the public
is very impressionable, unwilling to change, and not
very smart. I feel like I am an intelligent person compared
to the average along with most of the other people
on this list (as why I stay here and discuss things)
unfortunately it is the rest of the world that is buying
microsoft and although not twisting my arm I almost have
to use microsoft or else alienate myself from the rest
of society with incompatibility issues. (not that big
of a loss I know but I do still need a job) I have
completely dumped microsoft products form home almost
two years ago. I have always found ways to work around
compatibility issues but someone not as motivated as
I would rather just use Windows.
I am starting to babel here so let me wrap it up with my point
Although they never held a gun to my head or they never twisted
my arm or they never said I had to pay MS Tax or the MSIRS is
going to come after me. They put me into a position where if
I wanted to remain in contact with the less computer literate
people I would have too.
that's all
Bill Warner
PS I don't really care what the DOJ does to microsoft. I would
kind of feel that the legal system failed if they are found
guilty and only get a slap on the wrist and I would feel that
the DOJ wasn't doing their job if they are found completely innocent.
I guess it all depends on what they are found guilty off to
the letter, not just general Monopoly
>From: "Mark R. Myers" <myers@fastq.com>
>Reply-To: plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
>To: <plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us>
>Subject: Re: What shell we do with the Microsoft.....
>Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 21:02:05 -0700
>My vote is to do nothing and leave Microsoft alone.
>No one put a gun to anyone's head and said that they had to purchase a
>Microsoft product.
>No tobacco company got someone addicted to nicotine against their will.
>With the AOL/Time Warner merger, it will make them a much larger company
>than Microsoft and should provide some formidable competition.
>I like free software, but more importantly, I love free enterprise.
>I say, let the buying public decide, not a judge.
>There were no lawsuits by Sony when the VHS format (invented by JVC) beat
>out Betamax, even though Betamax was a better product.
>I say, let the market decide. Let the people decide.
>There are some Microsoft products that I do like.
>Microsoft gave me a free copy of Windows2000 Professional (see, they are
>getting into free software! :-) )
>IMHO, it is the best OS that they have put out yet.
>But again, let the people decide.
>I DO NOT like Microsoft's businesses practices. I think Bill Gates' parents
>never taught him how to "play nice."
>But there are other companies that I don't like their business practices
>I purchased SuSE 6.3 (I will give all of the disks away free to anyone who
>wants them).
>For some reason, I could not get it to print.
>I never had that problem with any other brand of Linux.
>When I contacted customer service via e-mail concerning the issue, as a
>registered SuSE users, I was informed that basic customer service did not
>include the ability to make your computer able to print.
>I am sorry, but I think that printing is one of the main reasons PCs took
>off in the first place. I consider printing to be a "basic need" of an
>operating system.
>So I disagree. I think Microsoft should be scolded for predatory business
>practices, and that is that. Let the buyers decided.
>I guess I'm just too much a disciple of Milton Freedman economics.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Furmanek, Greg" <Greg.Furmanek@hit.cendant.com>
>To: <plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us>
>Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 3:01 PM
>Subject: What shell we do with the Microsoft.....
> > I have great suggestion how to equalize the market MS
> > is monopolizing!!!
> >
> > Fine MS $15,000,000,000.00 and donate the money to
> > Free Software Foundation!!!!
> >
> > The Wolf
> >
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