Mike Cantrell
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 14:19:21 -0700
First check the /etc/services file and make sure it has the ftp line with the
appropriate tcp port and is not commented out:
grep ftp /etc/services
ftp 21/tcp
Also make sure you have the ftp server installed. Examine the inetd.conf line
for the ftp program called from the tcp wrappers. it should be something like
in.ftpd . This program will most likely reside in /usr/sbin if you don't have
it installed, grab a popular FTP server like wu-ftp from rpmfind.net
Hope it helps,
Mike Cantrell
Joel Dudley wrote:
> Ok well I guess there still is some newbieness in these weary NT bones. I
> want enable FTP on my qmail server which currently has it disabled for
> security reasons. What I did was edit inetd.conf such that ftp was no
> longer remarked out. I then did a 'killall -HUP inetd'. However, I am still
> unable to ftp into my server. Am I missing something simple here?? Any
> prmissions I may have messed up??? Thanks in advance for any help.
> - Joel
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