NetMeeting through Linux firewall
Brian Cluff
Sat, 25 Mar 2000 12:49:18 -0700
Ive done quite a lot of work looking for a free thing to get this to work
correctly myself. I was able to find one that you have to pay for, but
nothing free. At least nothing that was at all secure and would allow
multiple clients to connect at the same time.
If I remember correctly, you have to open all the ports from 1000-65535 to
come into a certain host so that it would be reached within the firewall.
That wasn't at all what I was looking for.
I have since moved onto useing CUSeeMe for audio video conferencing. It
works fine with out doing anything special to the firewall and also allows
multiple people to send and recieve audio and video at the same time.
...and the best part is that there are free versions of the client and
server for both windows and linux.
Brian Cluff
----- Original Message -----
> I'm running a RH6.1 firewall/IP masquerader between a US West DSL
> and a small LAN whose nodes run Windows NT and 98. When I run Microsoft
> meeting on either machine, I can connect to the other party, share files,
> and speak, but I can't hear what the other party is speaking to me through
> his mike. Since I get exactly the same failure on two machines running
> different versions of Windows and with different sound cards, I suspect
> my firewall is not passing the audio in my direction. My firewall is set
> with the very simplest ipchains script at the moment, since I don't want
> get fancy until all my apps work
> Is anyone else using NetMeeting through a Linux firewall?
> Alan Gore
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