GZip problems

Austin Godber godber@asu.edu
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 18:37:22 -0700

	There is also a chance that if you downloaded it with netscape it
automtically gunziped it but still saved it with the .gz extension.  Try
using the linux command "file" on it.

  godber@wormwood ~>file libnasl-0.99.8.tar.gz 
  libnasl-0.99.8.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, deflated, last modified:
  Sun Mar 19 13:20:00 2000, os: Unix

  godber@wormwood ~>file libnasl-0.99.8.tar
  libnasl-0.99.8.tar: GNU tar archive

If it says it is gzip then you need gunzip, if it says tar then you can go
directly to untaring it.  
	There is another possibility that comes to mind.  That is if you
used and FTP client to download it your client may have been in ASCII
mode, but that doesn't happen much any more since most nowadays default to
BIN format.  So if you are using a command line FTP program type "bin"
after you start it.  If a windowed FTP client there is usually a BIN,
ASCII, and AUTO button (like WSFTP).  Choose BIN, although AUTO should
give you the right thing.


On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> I just downloaded all the HOWTO docs from the internet in html. They came
> in a file called Linux-html-HOWTOs_tar(1).gz. I thought that this might
> be a GZipped file. Yet when I run GZip on it from both Linux and Winzip
> they both complain that the archive is bad. I have re-download this two
> times and still get the same problem. How do I get these to unzip so I
> can have them on my disk for reference?

Austin Godber