porting question

Joel Dudley joel@silverw.com
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 15:45:48 -0700

I have a strange question.  My company currently programms e-commerce
software centered around the SBT accounting package.  The software is
written in Visual C++.  I am trying employ Linux as our hosting solution for
the e-commerce sites, but I have the small problem that our server side
e-commerce package must execute and it is a win32 wrirtten in VFP.  I want
to port our software to linux but I have no clue if it is possible (I am
sure it is).  Anyone know a good plan of attack for this problem?  I hit
freshmeat and some proggies looked helpful but I thought I would query the
LUG first.  Thanks.

- Joel

P.S.  I heard a rumer that the next versio  of Caldera is going to be able
to execute Win32 apps natively.  Is there any substance to this rumor???  It
would solve my problem