terminal on laptop
Kevin Buettner
Sat, 18 Mar 2000 22:59:01 -0700
On Mar 18, 8:44pm, Mike Starke wrote:
> Just aquired a new laptop:IBM 560X (old one was a ole IBM 310ed)
> Have debian & X working just wonderful on the thing.
> Anyway: How do I get my terminal to go to full screen? I tried
> vga=ask
> in lilo.conf. Tried each one of the options, and all it did was create
> smaller "fonts" in the same small window. Is there something in the kernel
> I ned to enable? Read lilo man pages until I am blue in the face, and
> couldn't find anything that addresses this issue
Several questions...
1) Are you asking about X? Or about the console mode?
2) What resolution is the machine capable of? (Probably one of
1024x768, 800x600, or 640x480.)
3) What resolution is it currently running at?
I'm not sure it's the same problem, but I once had an IBM ThinkPad
755CX which (at first) would only run at 640x480 in the center
the screen. I ended up writing a small program to put the video
chip in the correct mode so that I could run X at 800x600. See:
(Warning: I have no idea if this program will work for your computer;
use at your own risk.)
Kevin Buettner
kev@primenet.com, kevinb@redhat.com