D. Taylor
Sat, 18 Mar 2000 11:50:59 -0700 (MST)
What are you, an "out of state" ASU student?
If you can get a POTS line within six months
sans grease, don't fly. You've already used
up all of your good luck.
On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, Mark Peoples wrote:
> Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 17:45:59 -0700
> From: Mark Peoples <hondaman@mainex1.asu.edu>
> Reply-To: plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
> To: "PLUG (E-mail)" <plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us>
> Subject: DSL BS
> I want to know if anyone else has gone through the same stuff I have with
> USWest...
> I'm at my old apartment, which isn't DSL-capable...my lease ended, so I
> moved closer to the CO (which I've seen about 40 million times on 13th and
> Mill).
> Move to my new apartment...get phone service (old phone number was
> transferred). Order DSL, it was put in 3 weeks late...and then, when it
> finally was put in, they gave my ISP (Inficad) the wrong VCI...so that was
> another week of trading calls between Inficad and USWest.
> It finally works like a charm...a few weeks later, my router flips, so I
> call up USWest, and I need to get it repaired...so off it goes...meanwhile,
> a few days later, my line dies...just dies. No reason behind it (if some
> hardware on their end went bad, that would have been reasonable).
> So here I am, podunking around without internet at home...whenever I want to
> do something, I mosey over to work at ASU.
> Anyways, back to my line dying. I have to close my old account and open a
> new one. So I do...which was about 3 weeks ago. I place the DSL order at the
> same time I'm opening my new account, but now, I have a new phone number. No
> biggie...I should be on the same circuit...the pair wasn't changed...should
> be fine, right? Wrong. No DSL until they 'work-around' the problem...so I
> won't know if I even *may* have DSL until April 3rd.
> They at least sent me a compensation check...for $80.
> Anyways, ISDN is out of the question...and this college student doesn't
> forsee buying a CSU/DSU for a few more years.
> My last options are 11Mbps wireless from RNi (the thought of which my
> apartment complex doesn't like) or...not sure...anyone have any other
> suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Mark Peoples - gascsd@gascairlines.com